Class of '76 Guestbook

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This FREE Class of '76 Guestbook will be dedicated to all of the Cashless Commanches
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Date: Friday, December 2, 2005
Time: 5:16 PM EST
Submitted by: NANCY ALECCIA
Email address: NALECCIA@UPS.COM
Current Status: Currently Single and Available
Work: UPS
Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Time: 5:33 PM EST
Submitted by: John Alfieri
Email address:
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: Beach house at CDM,Debbie Bottomley's bikini bottoms falling off in her pool, Todd, Glenn, Jack and Charles B. Walking off the field during football practice and no coaches noticing. Or maybe they did I sucked at football. Watching V Club nominees.

Work: I design countertops.
Play: Ski, Hike , getting drunk (I started at Canyon and kept it up)
Words of Wisdom: Never have any regrets on your decisions.
Date: Monday, December 12, 2005
Time: 9:53 PM EST
Submitted by: Tony Armes ('77)
Email address:
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: Baseball and hanging out with Wixted, Williams Moneymaker, and the rest of the gang.
Work: Manager at AT Systems Inc.
Play: Little league baseball, Managing my son's team, Allstars, District 7 champions, 2005. Ride dirt bikes with my boys, wakeboard, bass fish. Softball with my daughter. Lot's to do in the Sacramento area.
Date: Thursday, November 6, 2003
Time: 11:20 PM EST
Submitted by: Elizabeth Baumann Fisher
Email address:
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: Jim, This is awesome! Nice job. Elizabeth
Work: I am a teacher.
Play: Swim!
Words of Wisdom: Have fun.
Date: August 31, 2012
Submitted by Craig Benardo
Email =
Work = Having had a 26 year career with HP and taking early retirement at the ripe old age of 49, I'm now running a small business.
Play = Tennis and a bit of golf. Teaching/Coaching my boys in tennis (my oldest should be playing varsity this year as a sophomore in high school) and training them in martial arts and self-defense.
Current Status = Divorced and Free at Last
Best Canyon Memories = Having great teachers including Ms. Creedon, Ms. Bush, Ms. Clark, and Mr. Katz
Date: September 8, 2006
Submitted by: John & Kathy (Ditmore) Boden
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: John's - Partying in the hills & Kathy's - Drill Team's halftime & Spring shows. They say opposites attract.
Work: John is the Warranty Administrator for Tropitone Furniture (and for this he went to college??) and Kathy's an Acct Mgr for a software company -'s a living..
Play: Between the 2 of us we have 5 kids - a yours, mind & ours proposition. Our youngest, Amy - age 11 - keeps us busy with swimteam, soccer, dance, etc. and when that's not enough - her sibs keep us busy. Kathy's girls are 27 & 24 - the oldest being married with 2 little ones. Yes - that makes us grandparents (aaagh!) John has 2 boys ages 22 & 19. When occasionally left to our own devices we enjoy the nightlife in Fullerton and pretend we're 20 years younger.
Words of Wisdom: Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive.
Date: Friday, April 9, 2004
Time: 11:45 AM EST
Submitted by: Debbie Bottomley Holenstein
Email address:
Current Status: Divorced and Free at Last
Work: Soon to be RN, Oregon Burn Center
Play: Play? I spend all my extra time at soccer games, track meets, and basketball games. Love to ski the local mountains in Oregon.
Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2004
Time: 7:45 PM EST
Submitted by: Gary Bowden,
Wrestling Coach - "The Bear"

Email address:
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: Vic Oueilhe bringing Alice B. Tokla's brownies to wrestling practice and getting the whole team stoned!
Work: still teaching (31 yrs) in Springfield Oregon. Teaching "Global Realities" and US History 20th Century
Play: Build ponds (make artificial rock) for friends. We live on 14 acres in the mts. and have 6 lb trout in our ponds. I still like to roll around on the wrestling mat.
Words of Wisdom: I wasn't much older than you guys were back then. Hope we didn't screw you up too badly. Love to hear from you.

Date: Thursday, March 17, 2005
Time: 9:31 AM EST
Submitted by: Todd Brumley
Email address:
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: Being out of control all the time - we all should have been arrested. The hair. The clothes. The drugs and alcohol. The green crust on Hi Lavalle's knees. Locking Ray Dunne in a closet. High school was generally a constant comedy.

Work: President of AireTronics, Inc. - provider of inflatable safety vests for motorcycle riders in Irvine, Ca.

Play: Play lead guitar in a rock band (mid-life crisis), golf, coaching Little League baseball, make fun of Glenn Lombino and John Alfieri.

Words of Wisdom: "The older I get, the better I was."
Date: Monday, February 21, 2006
Time: 8:23pm EST
Submitted by: Kris Evans (formerly Bush), Teacher
Email address:
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: Ray Leal, Nancy Clarke, Nancy Smith, Judy Creedon, Nearly Normal Norman, Carol Gressing and her delightful hubby . . . all the really cool people I taught with.
Work: I am still teaching!!!! I do the newspaper and the yearbook and teach English and Journalism at Dana Hills HS in Dana Pt. I am like this full-on dinosaur relic, but my students still think I am cool, and I am still lovin' it, and I still have two kids to put through college, so yeah . . . some day I will get to retire. Check me out at
Date: August 20, 2009
Work: I serve legal docs. I work for a great guy. O ya thats ME.
Play: Hang out with the family, Ride my 1300 and have a good laugh everyday.
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: Girls, Sports and Sneaking to the BEACH. Just being young and stupid. We had all the answers, but not a clue.
Words of Wisdom: Find yourself in Santa Rosa, CA. Call me 707-292-8657 (Buzz)
Would like to here from Bruce Paul Kiene or Abby.
Date: March 22, 2009
Submitted by: Mark Cathey, Class of 1975
Work: Working for Robertson's Ready Mix for 14+ years now.
Play: Bicycling, dirt bikes, river. Kathy Friend Cathey and I have 5 kids and 5 grand kids.
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: Skylark trails with Joe Simmons, cars, all the friends.
Words of Wisdom: Life is short, don't be a veg.
Date: Monday, February 20, 2006
Time: 7:02pm EST
Submitted by: Nancy Clark, Teacher
Email address:

Current Status: None of Your Freaking Business
Best Canyon Memories: I loved the Class of '76. We grew up together. So many great kids and so much fun.
Work: I retired from CHS in 2004. I had 31 great teaching years there. I am enjoying life to its fullest. I see Judy Creedon several times a year. She lives in Arizona. Ms. Gressingh lives in Oregon. Sadly, Mr. McClain passed away this past summer. It was so great to find this website.
Play: I travel to Utah, Arizona and Hawaii. As I said earlier I am really enjoying life.
Words of Wisdom: Live each day as if it were your last!
May 30, 2008
Submitted by Delos
email =
Work = Vice President with Masco Contractor Services
Play = We Live in the pacific northwest I do a lot on the water, sail, fish, crab and shrimp. I have a great wife and wonderful friends we travel and spend a lot of time together.
Current Status = Married, Who Needs Kids?
Best Canyon Memories = Football and Basketball games. The last bell on Friday.
Words of Wisdom = love and be loved
Date: UPDATED March 15, 2006
Submitted by: Lynn Dockstader Smiley
Email address:
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: Didn't get to graduate with everyone, but went to Crescent, Vista del Rio and most of '73 at Canyon. I have been looking to catch up with old friends. I loved that school & all of my friends!!
Work: Director of Oncology Services -- big hospital Fresno California.
Play: Travel - go to the beach.
Words of Wisdom: Looking to catch up with anyone who remembers me & wants to get in touch.

Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Time: 1:02 PM EST
Submitted by: Jackie Doerr-Schumaker
Email address:
Current Status: Married With Children
Work: I am a full-time MOM !! I have two children, my son is a freshman in college and my daughter is a sophomore in High School.
Play: I love the beach!! swimming, water skiing, etc. I spend most of my time with my children and their activities.
Date: Friday, July 22, 2005
Time: 10:32 AM EST
Submitted by: mike forrest
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: Good times with people i have not seen in years.
Date: Wednesday, September 6, 2006
Submitted by: Stephen (Steve) Fox
Email: or
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: Just hanging around with friends.
Work: I am a teacher for emotionally disturbed high school students in special education.
Play: I coach softball. We spend summers at the Lake House in Michigan with the In-laws riding jet skis, water skiing, and cruising the lake in the pontoon. Play with the grandchild!
Words of Wisdom: It is never too late to live your dream.
Date: Monday, May 9, 2005
Time: 6:16 PM EST
Submitted by: Grant George
Email address:
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: Everything ! Rallies, games, choir, AFS, odd schedules at Villa Park High when we shared a campus, odd people, nice people, Coach Pycior, band, drama, footbal games, growing up, Amy Sheridan, Jennifer Kline, and a host of other great teachers.
Work: VP test and ops, Microsoft Office, Microsoft
Play: Raise and show Alaskan Malamutes, travel, learning new languages, family.
Words of Wisdom: Everything we thought really mattered back then turned out not to matter. Everything we suspected might matter, ended up being truly important.
Date: Saturday, June 10, 2006
Submitted by: Abbe Gloor
Email address:

Best Canyon Memories: Donkey Basketball
Work: Flight attendant for Alaska Airlines for 17 years!
Play: Fly light airplanes
Words of Wisdom: Loved your web-site! Thanks for building it!

Date: Saturday, October 1, 2005
Time: 12:28 PM EST
Submitted by: Michael Hartsell (Class of '75)
Email address:
Current Status: Currently Single and Available
Best Canyon Memories: Going to school from noon to 4:00 pm at Villa Park.
Trying not to run over Mr. Yem with my car, and the girls,girls,girls.
Work: Owner/Broker First Choice Mortgae and Real Estate
Play: Play music,ride Harleys, water ski, snow ski,diving, riding horses, softball, work on cars and bikes
Words of Wisdom: Life is great, if you don't think so, just try missing one day!

Before, After & with Daughter Mia.

Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Submitted by: John Hasbrouck
Email address:
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: Great friends from Villa Park and Canyon, great music programs (choir an the barbershop quartet, working on the first yearbook in '73 as a photographer, and having a few really good and true friends.
Work: President and CEO of NewLeads software; we help exhibiting companies collect and organize tradeshow leads.
Play: Wrangle four kids, ages 10 (twins) 14 and 19, waterski in the summer in McCall, Idaho.
Words of Wisdom: It's not what you get out of life but what you give to the life of others that really makes you happy. (Even if you're poor, you're pretty rich compared to everyone else not lucky enough to live over here in the USA.)
JIM, thanks for the website. Great job!
Date: Thursday, July 8, 2004
Time: 7:48 PM EST
Submitted by: Kimberlie Hawley-DuBois
Email address:
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: Sharing campus with Villa Park and going to school at noon. My friends Judi, Lisa, Kim, Cheryl, etc.
Work: I work as a personal assistant to a very good friend who runs her husband's business out of the home.
Play: Play? I don't play....I watch my kids play! OH wait I would consider my time at the beach in the sun MY play time.
Words of Wisdom: I moved to and graduated from Corona High School but this class of 76 is special to me because I grew up with you...from Olive Elementary to Vista del Rio JH to Canyon High. It made my day to find this site. It's awesome!
Date: Monday, November 14, 2005
Time: 7:51 AM EST
Submitted by: Stephen Hogie
Email address:
Current Status: None of Your Freaking Business
Best Canyon Memories: Hash oil and thai stick.
Work: Myself. Suing employers for fun and profit.
Play: Snowboard
Words of Wisdom: It's too late to die young.
Date: April 28, 2011
Submitted by: David Holbert
email =
Work = I am a partner in a Mortgage company and also do the books and compliance for a family owned company.
Play = I live at the beach (HB) so I do a lot of beachy things and I ski & snow mobile. I also volunteer for National Public Radio.
Current Status = None of Your Freaking Business
Best Canyon Memories = Charging across campus on Abbie's fat horse during spirit week. The Academic decathlon, Chamber Singers, sucking at sports yet still lettering in three sports a year, USC Football Camp and mostly, all of my friends.
Words of Wisdom = All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on...Henry Ellis
Date: Monday, March 7, 2005
Time: 2:03 PM EST
Submitted by: Ron Johnson (Class of 75er)
Email address:
Current Status: None of Your Freaking Business
Work: I run a Roof Truss Plant in Central Florida
Play: Beach it
Words of Wisdom: Cool little site buddy!
Date: Sunday, September 3, 2006
Submitted by: Ken Jolliff
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: The laughter, long talks, the laughter, a thousand hugs a day, the laughter, Naugles, Knowlewood's, practical jokes... and then some! Too many great stories to name. Send an e-mail, and we'll compare stories! Classroom seizure, anyone?
Work: I teach middle school physical education. Can you flippin' believe it! It's like... court appointed community service, only longer!
Play: Sports junkie. Jogging. Kayaking. Get-togethers with family and friends. Sharing smiles and laughter. Following my kiddos through all of their activities, and underwater yodeling.
Words of Wisdom: It was great to be at the 30 year reunion. Heck, at this stage, it's great to be anywhere! I must say, we're in pretty good shape for the shape we're in!
Date: December 2, 2008
Submitted by Tamala Lee Jones-Carr (aka: Tami)
Email =
Work = Sales for a large construction component company
Play = I am a NASCAR fan. Do things with my friends and spend time with my four kids (still waiting for the grand kids to come along), my kids are all grown up now, 31, 24 and twins that are 20. And I have my wonderful dog (Jack Russell) named DaisyJane, she keeps me going!
Current Status = Currently Single and Available
Best Canyon Memories = Wow, so many! HS was a blast for me, lots of friends and parties. I remember Ms. Clark, she was the best! Mrs. Fragnoli, a total sweetheart, Mrs. Creeden, I need to apoligize for being such a brat in her class, she did not deserve it. I remember Nancy Southwell and all the dumb things we did. The friendships that keep on blossoming with Joyce Koolhaas, Becky Philips, Kelly Gaines, Tim Lynch, I just love that we stay in touch and still share our lives.
Words of Wisdom = I wish I had some!!
Date: Monday, February 20, 2006
Time: 6:09 PM EST
Submitted by: Dianne Whitman (Kurica) (Class of 75er)
Email address:
Current Status: Divorced and Free at Last
Best Canyon Memories: Ellen Barnett and I sneaking Randy Shaw into the girls bathroom to smoke with us. Taking hall passes and getting our friends out of class to hang out, and having known Mrs. Fisher who was the best teacher I had.
Work: I'm a Hospital Staffing Coordinator and part time medical transcriptionist.
Play: I work a lot so not much time for play but I do spend time with my children and grandchildren. I still live in Anaheim and we spend alot of time going to amusement parks, etc.
Date: March 30, 2009
Submitted by Lauren
Current Status = None of Your Freaking Business
Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Time: 8:32 PM EST
Submitted by: Donald Lockridge
Email address:

Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: Football games,friends, driving like a mad man
Work: Motor cop who knew
Play: paintballing, cooking, riding my HD, and woodwork
Words of Wisdom: God bless all
Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Time: 5:21 PM EST
Submitted by: Tim Lynch
Email address:
Current Status: Divorced and Free at Last

Best Canyon Memories:
I can't remember, remember?
Work: Communications Systems Integration - TV stations microwave links, "beauty shot" cameras you see on the news, climb towers and fix stuff
Play: everything. boating at Havasu, party at the country bars, ride horses, go to rodeos, mountain bike, travel, fish, and look for my soulmate!
Words of Wisdom: Life is too short to be unhappy. (profound huh?)

"Life is Good" (above left), Yuma, AZ (right), & Tim's Toy (below)

Date: Friday, December 21, 2007
Submitted by: Colleen Mathews McCormick
Current Status = Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories = Meeting Craig at the lockers during class - I liked not having to get up early that first year
Work = Sign Language Interpreter
Play = Scrapbooking, working with youth
Words of Wisdom = Live, Laugh, Love
Date: Friday, June 7, 2013
Submitted by: Kimberly McGinn (Myers) Class of 79 email =
Current Status = Currently Single and Available
Best Canyon Memories = MULTI-CLASS REUNION 76-79 July 27th 2013 Would love to see you teachers come!

Work = Personal gardener and house manager and Photography arts model-NEVER going back to the corporate world.
Play = See the girls, play warfare games with my son Sean on x-box, play on pc and garden.
Best Canyon Memories = First of all I want to say I love this web site and thank you Jim. Best Mems: The Pontoon Class w/Wienkauf, Hust, Lucidi and Mr. Bevens Rock Class, Dean Gilles (RIP) Frantz Denis and Oscar Meyer Wienie, Jim Quist and Andre' Rekte, The Gang-Rubino, Turner and Moore, Jeanne, Gaby, Price, Lily, Mason. Ms. Clark and the snow trip adventure, The deaths of Darren and Liz, Not getting class pic because class 79 dressed in Toga, Mr. Nitwiddie I mean Dinwiddie, babysitting for coach Woods, loved Coached Carns, Michael Maxam and Machuta and that other group of girls Annie Oakley, Denise and Darla Ingersoll, Lori Scallon The Koch brothers parties, the face of Elise Varela.
Words of Wisdom = Never trust anyone....completely. But try to always be kind to those you meet.
Date: Friday, September 18, 2009
Submitted by: Valerie Melendez
Current Status = Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: I visited once in 2004 and I came back on a fluke thru Facebook. What a nice surprise. I am currently a high school principal (Mr. Joseph and Mr. Yim-my apologies for everything in high school!), and after a hair-raising day, it was soooo refreshing and wonderful to be able to go back in time for a moment and relive some pretty wonderful memories. We need to spread the word about this place and keep up with one another. I got kind of emotional reading of the passing of some of our dear classmates, just a reminder of how short time really is. If there is another reunion, you guys in so-cal need to make sure you let us out-of-staters know! I live in Houston, so enlighten me! Take care everyone, and remember...class of '76 rules!!
Date: Monday, May 17, 2004
Time: 5:15 PM EST
Submitted by: Valerie Melendez
Email address:
Current Status: Married With Children

Best Canyon Memories: My best memories at Canyon are many, but if I had to pick one or two, it would be the close friendships and awesome faculty we had. When I saw Coach Bowden's pic, memories came flooding back about he talked of FDR, WWII, and possible conspiricies behind Pearl Harbor. Isn't it weird the things you remember? Thanks, Mr. Bowden.

Work: Ironically, I am now a history teacher and I have three kids: A sophomore at University of Texas, a graduating high school senior, and a beautiful daughter who is a high school sophomore. I am also blessed with a great husband and I have lived in Houston, Texas for the past twenty years. I do get homesick, though! Hope to hear from you guys! Take care...

Play: I am a certified fitness instructor, so working out is just part of my life. I love it. I also enjoy traveling, entertaining at our house, skiing, and just chillin on a beach somewhere!

Words of Wisdom: 1. Life is not a dress rehearsal 2. When you die, leave a used up corpse. It's usually an indication that you had a helluva ride! 3. Always have a "plan B."
Date: Friday, December 5, 2003
Time: 5:57 AM EST
Submitted by: Andy Millspaugh
Email address: Classiccarshop1@aol
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: everybody and the good times
Work: I am an Aircraft Engineer & I also own a classic car shop for pre 1975 car restoration also auto designer.
Play: play with all my car's 1971 vette, 1970 Z28, 1970 duster, 1969 RS, SS Camaro, 1937 chop top coupe, 1967 396SS chevelle, 1960 el camino just a few toys.
Words of Wisdom: Do what make's you happy life is too short.
September 6, 2007
Submitted by Andrew Millspaugh
email = Andy@doubleapromotions
Current Status = Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories = Sports, Time with everyone
Work = Business owner, aircraft engr. Retired at 47
Play = Gulf, hunt, fish, boating, RVing.
Words of Wisdom = do what makes you happy in life and have fun doing it.
September 6, 2007
Submitted by lori millspaugh
email =
Current Status = Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories = crosscountry and just having fun
Work = back at school LCC OR love it
Play = snowboarding, fishing alot playing with my grandkids
Words of Wisdom = one day at a time
Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Time: 8:01 PM EST
Submitted by: Kevin Mark Murphy Tex
Email address:
Current Status: Currently Single and Available
Best Canyon Memories: Being involved with such nice people doing basketball, track and cross country and choir.
Work: Working for the U. S. Government as a Administrative Supervisor in Norfolk, VA. Am also involved with the City of Virginia Beach in their Youth Basketball Program as well as one of the main volunteer staff members at the Virginia Beach Marathon and 8K races on St. Patricks week in Virginia Beach,

Play: See above. Have three children Daughter and Two sons. Daughter is at Old Dominion University. Oldest son working independently and younger one in high school. Note: Glad I found this site, would have like to come for reunions except I have never gotten a letter from the coordinator. I am at 1153 Pine Song Place #302 Virginia Beach, VA 23451. I would appreciate anyone contacting me. Thanks Mr. Rotondo, you run a great site. VR K. M. Murphy

Words of Wisdom: I am a big George Carlin fan, so I leave you with these tidbits:
Would a fly without wings become a walk?
Men are from earth, women are from with it
Why do they put braille on the drive thru teller machines?
If you fail, and succeed, which have you done?
And a serious one, for those who complain about life, from the movie Heartbreak Ridge, with Clint Eastwood:
You have to learn to improvise, overcome and adapt.
Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Time: 10:22 PM EST
Submitted by: Cheryl Padd-Ferch
Email address:
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: The planting day at Canyon, Sadie Hawkins at Knotts Berry farm and the Balboa Pavillion. Teachers: Home Ec. - Ms. Gressign
Work: my husband and I own a catering business in Monterey County.
Play: Waterski, snow ski and garden

Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Time: 5:35 PM EST
Submitted by: Chris Patrick
Email address:
Current Status: Married With Children
Work: Vice President Sales for Sechrist Industries, a Medical Equipment manufacturer in Anaheim, CA
Play: Ride my Harley, race my Honda XR650, playride with my kids and their bikes out at the desert and watch my kids(17&19)grow up way too fast.
Date: Friday, May 16, 2008
Submitted by Mark Powell
EMail address:
Work = Construction Estimating Consultant currently in Las Vegas.
Play = Ride my Harley!
Current Status = Just married a wonderful woman from Canyon H.S. Class of 1978
Best Canyon Memories = Class of '75 - Wrestling Team
Words of Wisdom = Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers,the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary.

Coach Bowden & me and a trip to Kelso.

Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Time: 10:37 AM EST
Submitted by: Mark Reider (Former Teacher, now Principal in Irvine, CA)

Current Status: Married With Children.
Best Canyon Memories: This was my first year teaching at Canyon.
It was a terrific place and I have fond memories of my ten years there.

Work: Principal of Rancho San Joaquin Middle School in Irvine, Ca.
Play: Play with my grandchildren.

Date: Thursday, August 12, 2004
Time: 12:07 PM EST
Submitted by: Rodney Rich
Email address:
Current Status: None of Your Freaking Business
Best Canyon Memories: Being on the wrestling team with Feet and Coach Bowden. Also Mr. Rodriguez's Spanish Class.
Work: I am a Reference Librarian in South Texas.
Play: Hunting, Fishing, Gardening and competitive running.
Words of Wisdom: Lunch Time Field Activities are not the same anymore? Looking Back!!
Date/Time: September 11, 2009 at 17:53:11 PDT
Submitted by Allyson Rocks Class of '77
Work = Real Estate Field
Play = Lots
Current Status = None of Your Freaking Business
Best Canyon Memories = It was all good.
Words of Wisdom = Go! Commanches!
Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Time: 10:37 PM EST
Submitted by: Jennifer Rogers Wirth
Email address:
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: Let me see if I can revive those brain cells! I remember Farrell's, Canyon at VPHS(loved that 12-5 schedule)still missed the bus , donkey B-ball, "Tommy" and foreign xchg students, Prom @ Queen Mary, skiing @ Big Bear w/o chains, Girl-Date dance and the "man-eating orchid", teachers Charles Bittle, Mike Victorson & Ray Leal, winning Spirit week, the Strawberry Festival, wrestling matches in stinky gyms, car rally's, camping at Mission Bay, mono the kissing disease, girls basketball,TP-ing, midnight kidnapping, Jiffy Pop in the science lab, Chester & Fester the lab rats, HS friends & friends I had since 5th grade at Crescent.

Work: I was a Clinical Laboratory Scientist for 16yrs at SJH in Orange, CA Now I am a stay at home Mom. I am trying to figure out what I want to do for my second career.

Play: I like to spend time with my husband(19 years)and my kids(2 girls 27 & 15). We like to go to the movies,travel and ski. I work out(hate it)but necessary to wage the war against time and gravity.

Words of Wisdom: Glad I found this site - it's nice to see what old classmates are up to. Both my girls went/go to CHS so I am constantly reminded of the good old days as I drive through the drop off. Glad those days are behind me but it's fun to look back.
Date: October 30, 2010
Submitted by Kathy Samudio-Shaw
Email: Work = I'm a Preschool Teacher.
Play = Recently moved to Queen Creek Arizona. Enjoying my new surroundings with hubby.
Current Status = Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories = Grad nite at Disneyland with Rick, Cheryl & Don. Ditch day with Rick & Vicki Timm.
Date: Thursday, September 30, 2004
Time: 11:46 PM EST
Submitted by: Mike Silva
Email address: msparkee1006@aol
Current Status: Divorced and Free at Last
Best Canyon Memories: Chris Acosta driving us to school our soph. year.... He Had NO LICENSE !
Work: Law Enforcement
Play: home improvement, sporting events, hang with my pals.
Words of Wisdom: enjoy your life... you could be gone tomorrow !

Date: May 10, 2011
Submitted by Lisa Smith Luckey
Email =
Work = Administrator at Kaiser Permanente.
Play = Camping, run a book club, volunteer mentor for young women through "My Safe Harbor" organization, Women's Ministry activities at my church, shopping, shopping and shopping!
Current Status = Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories = Loved my art classes, especially ceramics.
Date: June 4, 2011
Submitted by Ted Smith
Email =
Work = Ptjetch jetski repair and racing
Play = love to play in the lake(lake havasu az.)and with my 3 grandkids.
Current Status = Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories = coach Bowen and all the guys on the wrestling team.A great group of guys.
Words of Wisdom = enjoy life its shorter than you think
Date: October 22, 2010
Submitted by Michael Victorson
Email =
Work = Have been retired for several years travel two or three months each year. Next big trip a safari in Tanzania in 2011. My youngest daughter is working in Uganda and we meet her in March. Still doing some freelance writing.
Play = My life as always is based on impluse.
Current Status = Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories = Lots of wonderful memories, but the past is the past. The future is what is really important. Hope all of you are doing well and are happy.
Words of Wisdom = It's a quote I wrote in far too many yearbooks but it does contain some truth: "No bird soars too high, if it soars with it's own wings." The only boundaries in our lives are self imposed.
Date: Saturday, June 4, 2005
Time: 1:28 AM EST
Submitted by: Dianna Walker
Email address:
Current Status: Currently Single and Available
Best Canyon Memories: Double session at Villa Park. Girl's Choir. The new campus. Hangin' with the rest of the geeks.
Work: I'm a technician for Pitney Bowes. I repair mailing equipment & love it.
Play: Brew my own beer & wine. Love that NASCAR!
Date: October 18, 2008
Submitted by Darren Webb
Current Status: Married With Children
Work: Middle school science teacher
Play: Camping, SCUBA Diving, 4-Wheeling in my Jeep, traveling
Best Canyon Memories: Hanging with friends, parties, football and the all the fun ladies.
Words of Wisdom: Wanted to share the recent passing of Jody Oderkirk, class of 78.
Remember to love and cherish our families and friends.
Date: February 25, 2008
Submitted by Mike Weinkauf
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: I don't have one.
Work: I still teach at Canyon High School.
Play: Fish, golf, tennis
Date: Saturday, September 4, 2004
Time: 3:03 PM EST
Submitted by: Judi Vander Zwaag-Greve
Email address:
Current Status: Married With Children
Best Canyon Memories: getting out of school early
Work: I am a third grade teacher
Play: I am in a bowling league, go to the beach and family camping vacations