Who is Jim Rotondo?

From the head of hair known as "THE RUG" to:


Jim was "the quiet Beatle" who didn't attend ONE single dance or prom. He elected to get a job in lieu of playing basketball in '75 & '76, got stuck in Food Service Management for 25 years, then segued to Web Design. He is currently retired after being an Office Manager for his church and taught Computer Education at his church's school in Cherry Hill, NJ.

Jim can also be seen in the comedy club circuit in the Philadelphia area and has over 20 TV appearances to his credit. He just may be the only human being on the planet that can squeeze music from the palms of his hands (Manualism) and also play music by controlling the air flow from the nozzle of a Bicycle Tire Pump. Complete biography, audio and video samples, and CD's are available at HandmadeWebsites.com.

Be sure to visit Jim's YouTube page of Novelty Music, Parodies, and TV Appearances:

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